My life/In Australia

사랑스런 스텔라로부터 온 편지

봉나인 2008. 1. 15. 10:53

스텔라가 베리를 떠나기 전날 같이 찍은 사진! 행복해야 해 스텔라!

난 단지..

이메일 주소가 맞는지 안맞는지 우리 확인 한번 해보자!라는 내용의 편지를 보냈는데.

우리 귀염둥이 스텔라는 장문을 써서 보냈다.

글을 보고 있으면 스텔라가 환하게 웃는 모습이 막 떠올라서 너무 좋다.

Hello everybody!!!;-)

I thought it's time to write a few mails, because some people didn't hear anything from me for a pretty long time. And of course I'm interested in what you're doing at the moment as write, write, write;-)!

I'm sitting in Alice Springs now and actually that's the reason for my time to write mails. My wonderful 3-day-Outback tour finished two days ago and in Alice Springs itself you can't do so many things. But I'll leave the city on January 14th by train ("The Ghan"), so I won't be here such a long time.

Whatever...what can I write now? Actually I could translate my mail from yesterday to my friends and family in Germany in English, but this would be to lazy:-)...ahh, right now I came up with the idea that there are computer programs to translate texts, but: No... I've free Internet in the office where I booked my Outback-Tour, so I have time. Back in Germany I'll have even more time (maybe) and then I'll start to write personal mails, too. I think they're always nicer to read! Whatever...

I'm writing and writing and actually just about boring stuff...Perhaps some words about my Outback tour which I made with Dani (a girl who is travelling with me at the moment), 17 other tourists/backpackers and one guide.

We went to the not sooo impressive Uluru (it's the same like with the Opera House in Sydney; it's so popular and looks quite great on pictures, but then you see it and you think: "And, what now?" the way...of course other opinions are allowed:-)...). But the Olgas and the Kings Canyon were absoluty (or absolut?...Doesn't matter;-))fantastic.

On our first day we had a 7 hours bus-drive to come from Alice to Ayers Rock and then we started the Base Walk around the big red stone in the middle of the day. It was quite hot, but some of you'll know that I haven't got such a big problem with the sun and the heat; actually I would say, most of the time I love it! It's just a pity that you can't take cold showers in Alice Springs or something like that and the pool in the YHA is also really hot. For showers I just take the cold water, but it is still really, really warm, almost hot!

Ok, back to what I wrote before I drift away from the topic!...You can see: I haven't got anything to do. Dani and I just want to go to the Botanical Garden and the Observation point and that's the action for today...

Ok...Like I said: It was hot and our guide always told us to drink a lot to avoid dehydratin and death. Actually I drunk 9 litre on the first day and it was (almost) no problem that I didn't see a toilet for over 6 hours...ok, I'll stop speaking about toilets and will come back to Ayers Rock;-).

While walking next to it, it looked a bit more impressive, but nothing in comparison to Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon.

At night we slept in swags on the red ground and over me was the fantastic australian starry sky and I slept perfectly until 4.30am, when we got up to see the sunrise.

Then we had a 3 hours walk through the Olgas. You could see lots of faces in the stones and there is one happy face with a smile and a blinking eye which I liked the most. While walking up I made a short break for looking back and enjoying the view, and then the face was smiling down to me...very beautiful!

At night we made a fire (because of the atmosphere...for sure not because it was to cold;-)) and it was another wonderful night sleeping outside. Actually I think I was the only one who slept like a stone (like always) and the next morning Dani told me that there was a dingo next to me, but I didn't notice that.

In the bathroom in the morning there were lots of creatures with 6 or 8 legs, but actually it doesn't bother me any longer so much (I wouldn't say it doesn't bother me at all).

The last day when we made a 4 hours walk in the Kings Canyon was actually the best. The landscape is beautiful and half way there was a lake (Garden of Eden) which was surrounded by the Canyon and where we could go swimming.

I was the first one in the water and the last one who left it...I really love water and swimming and the nature and everything was totally impressing!

The 7 hours way back to Alice Springs after that was not that was hot and I had just little room and when Dani and I arrived in the Hostel...of course the shower was warm...but it was absolutly wonderful!...I would say it must be absolutly...and now I can start working again to save money for the westcoast trip I would like to do (from Broome to Perth). The only problem is that it is only allowed to bring 15 kilo with you (they say: STRICT LUGGAGE LIMIT and maybe strict means strict?), but maybe I can send stuff to the post office in Brisbane...I'll see...

Ok, now give me some time to read the text's pretty much, so I need to pay attention to be on time for the Botanical Garden...I can't believe it...the second day is over:-)...ok: it's just 3.10pm.

Ah, by the way...we had a great finish for the tour as well, because in the evening we met us in a bar for dinner and drinking a few beer. Tours get a special and so it was a nice evening for really little money. The beer was free (actually just the first 2 should be free, but the beer was empty and suddenly there was a new one) and a dinner with chicken, chips and salad costed (ok, maybe that's not an English word, isn't it?;-)) just 10 bugs.

There was a reptile show this evening, too and I had a snake (phyton) around me. It felt so good and absolutly not disgusting, just warm and dry! We had lizards on our arms and shoulders as well. Actually I realised that I couldn't say that I don't like snakes, it's just the fact that I wouldn't be sure if they are dangerous or not when I see them in the nature.

Ok, now let me read what I've written...Ok I red it: *yawn*

Please smile now for me and don't be to bored *smile*!!!!!

Actually there is one funny thing I can tell you (espacially for Germans it should be funny):

In the morning we had just white toast for breakfast (nothing better than German breakfast!!!) and when the guide asked if somebody wants to eat more, one German guy answered "Yes".

Guide: "Would you like to have "Bread" or "Toast"?

German guy (surprised, but also with little hope in the voice): "Bread?????????????????"

Guide (pointing a finger at the "untoasted toast" in the bag: "That's bread and if you put it on the toaster it will be toast."

I think I couldn't stop laughing for 2 minutes. Too funny!!!

So, that's it...that's definitly more than enough!!! *smile*

Love and Kisses, Stella :-D